Monday, August 22, 2011

The Longest Fries

The longest fries I have ever seen and it was a little over 15 cms long. :D

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Cayden's New Haircut

Looking at how Cayden's hair has grown, I thought it would be nice if he had a haircut. So there one bright afternoon I took him to a hairdresser and asked for a very sleek cut for him. I was confused of either just trim or sleek cut. But when I actually saw the result I was happy with it. :)

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Show Me The Meaning of Being Lonely

Show me the meaning of being lonely
So many words for the broken heart
It's hard to see in a crimson love
So hard to breathe
Walk with me, and maybe
Nights of light so soon become
Wild and free I could feel the sun
Your every wish will be done

They tell me...

Show me the meaning of being lonely
Is this the feeling I need to walk with
Tell me why I can't be there where you are
There's something missing in my heart

Life goes on as it never ends
Eyes of stone observe the trends
They never say forever gaze
Guilty roads to an endless love
There's no control
Are you with me now
Your every wish will be done
They tell me

There's nowhere to run
I have no place to go
Surrender my heart' body and soul
How can it be you're asking me to feel the things you never show

You are missing in my heart
Tell me why I can't be there where you are

Backstreet Boys - Show Me The Meaning of Being Lonely

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Are You Mind, Body, or Spirit?

You Are Mind

If you dream it, then you can do it. You are very mentally sharp and strong.

You enjoy challenging yourself both at work and with studies. You love mastering difficult tasks.

You thrive in new environments, even stressful ones. You are able to study everything objectively.

You have a upbeat attitude, and won't be deterred easily. You are open minded and optimistic about the future.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Are You a Perfectionist?

You Are 73% Perfectionist

You are a true perfectionist. You are both demanding of yourself and others. While it's great to have goals and standards, they don't need to be sky high!

Monday, August 08, 2011

Sushi Frenzy

Due to a 50% discount promo in one of the Japanese restaurant we use to visit, I went to have an all-you-can-eat lunch at the restaurant. I went there with my mom, my little sister, hubby, and both the kids. Going with a lot of people is better because it's fun, but just the four of us is just as fun especially with the kids "messing".

Having lots of sushi kinda makes you feel sick of it for a while. But after a few weeks the feeling kinda wears off and you gonna start craving for it again. So I guess I'm gonna cool down with the tummy full of sushi and be back there in couple months. :D

Friday, August 05, 2011

Are You an Elf or a Reindeer?

You Are An Elf

You are highly creative and artistic. You are good at working hard. While you love to work, you also love to play. You have a naughty side to you!

You love pulling pranks and teasing people. You always seem to be getting into some sort of trouble.

People can rely on you to be industrious and responsible... but you're going to have fun while you're getting stuff done.

Thursday, August 04, 2011

Suara yang Paling Indah

Seorang tua yang tak berpendidikan tengah mengunjungi suatu kota besar untuk pertama kali dalam hidupnya. Dia dibesarkan di sebuah dusun di pegunungan yang terpencil, bekerja keras membesarkan anak-anaknya, dan kini sedang menikmati kunjungan perdananya ke rumah anak-anaknya yang modern.

Suatu hari, sewaktu dibawa berkeliling kota, orang tua itu mendengar suara yang menyakitkan telinga. Belum pernah dia mendengar suara yang begitu tidak enak didengar di dusunnya yang sunyi. Dia bersikeras mencari sumber bunyi tersebut. Dia mengikuti sumber suara sumbang itu, dan tiba di sebuah ruangan di belakang sebuah rumah, di mana seorang anak kecil sedang belajar bermain biola.

Saat dia mengetahui dari putranya bahwa itulah yang dinamakan "biola", dia memutuskan untuk tidak akan pernah mau lagi mendengar suara yang mengerikan tersebut.

Hari berikutnya, di bagian lain kota, orang tua ini mendengar sebuah suara yang seolah mebelai-belai telinga tuanya. Belum pernah dia mendengar melodi yang begitu indah di lembah gunungnya, dia pun mencoba mencari sumber suara tersebut. Ketika sampai ke sumbernya, dia tiba di ruangan depan sebuah rumah, di mana seorang perempuan tua, seorang maestro, sedang memainkan sebuah sonata dengan biolanya.

Seketika, si orang tua ini menyadari kekeliruannya. Suara tidak mengenakkan yang didengarnya kemarin bukanlah kesalahan dari biola, bukan pula salah sang anak. Itu hanyalah proses belajar seorang anak yang belum bisa memainkan biolanya dengan baik.

Dengan kebijaksanaan polosnya, orang tua itu berpikir mungkin demikian pula halnya dengan agama. Sewaktu kita bertemu dengan seseorang yang menggebu-gebu terhadap kepercayaannya, tidaklah benar untuk menyalahkan agamanya. Itu hanyalah proses belajar seorang pemula yang belum bisa memainkan agamanya dengan baik. Sewaktu kita bertemu dengan seorang bijak, seorang maestro agamanya, itu merupakan pertemuan indah yang menginspirasi kita selama bertahun-tahun, apapun kepercayaan mereka.

Namun ini bukanlah akhir dari cerita.

Hari ketiga, di bagian lain kota, si orang tua mendengar suara lain yang bahkan melebihi kemerduan dan kejernihan suara sang maestro biola. Menurut Anda, suara apakah itu?

Melebihi indahnya suara aliran air pegunungan pada musim semi, melebihi indahnya suara angin musim gugur di sebuah hutan, melebihi merdunya suara burung-burung pegunungan yang berkicau setelah hujan lebat. Bahkan melebihi keindahan hening pegunungan sunyi pada suatu malam musim salju. Suara apakah gerangan yang telah menggerakkan hati si orang tua melebihi apapun itu?

Itu suara sebuah orkestra besar yang memainkan sebuah simfoni.

Bagi si orang tua, alasan mengapa itulah suara terindah di dunia adalah, pertama, setiap anggota orkestra merupakan maestro alat musiknya masing-masing; dan kedua, mereka telah belajar lebih jauh lagi untuk bisa bermain bersama-sama dalam suatu harmoni.

"Mungkin ini sama halnya dengan agama," pikir si orang tua, seyogianya kita semua mempelajari hakikat kelembutan agama kita melalui pelajaran-pelajaran kehidupan. Seyogianya kita semua menjadi maestro cinta kasih di dalam agama masing-masing. Lalu, setelah mempelajari agama kita dengan baik, lebih jauh lagi, seyogianya kita belajar untuk bermain, seperti halnya para anggota sebuah orkestra, bersama-sama dengan penganut agama lain dalam sebuah harmoni!"

Itulah suara yang paling indah.

From the book "Illuminata - Be Good Be Happy Be Mindful" written by Handaka Vijjananda.

Fresh Milk Vs Formula Milk

I have been trying to do research on which of these two I should get my kids to drink. I know that in some countries especially in the Western, formula milk is not popular to toddler and only commonly given to babies under 12 month old. I live in Indonesia, and on the contrary formula milk is commonly given to toddlers up to age 5 or 6.

It is not that hard to find articles or readings on the net about this topic, but to find a credible one is kinda hard. The best that I can find is Transitioning to Whole Milk or Toddler Formula. I believe it is right that formula milk is not essential and as important as the advertisement or as the company suggested. I once asked my kids' pediatrician if breast milk is enough for my baby during his second year (age 12-24 months), and he said it is enough and formula milk is not essential. He also suggested that a cup of yogurt or a slice of cheese can substitute.

All the expert are suggesting that the formula milk is not needed because the kids are supposedly eating a solid and healthy food already. What if my kids aren't eating the right food yet that they aren't getting enough nutrients, vitamins, etc.?

Still cannot decide but I guess I have to come up with something soon :)

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

What Happened the Year You Were Born?

In 1983, A Movie Ticket Cost $3.15

Ronald Reagan is president of the US

Sally Ride becomes the first American woman to travel in space

Marines are killed when a TNT laden suicide terrorists blows up Marine headquarters at Beirut International Airport

US Marines and Rangers invade the island of Grenada and evacuate hundreds of US citizens

The Soviets shoot down Korean Airlines flight 007

The Internet Domain Name System was invented by Paul Mockapetris

Ronald Wilson Reagan signs a bill creating Martin Luther King Day

Baltimore Orioles win the World Series

Washington Redskins win Superbowl XVII

New York Islanders win the Stanley Cup

Return of the Jedi is the top grossing film

"Every Breath You Take" by The Police spends the most time at the top of US charts

The A-Team and Webster premiere

Monday, August 01, 2011

Feeling Guilty?

I am a full time mommy with 2 kids age 18 months and 3 year old. I constantly taking care of the babies since I wake up in the morning until the time they go to bed. Though doing this is fun and one of the thing I wouldn't miss for the world, I have to say that this job is really tiring. Motherhood is draining my energy even with help from my husband and my parents.

It actually got me thinking, do you feel guilty when you are tired of the motherhood?

Sometimes I feel bad when I really would like someone to watch my kids. Most of the times it's merely just a wish and I ended taking care of them myself. But I am grateful I have a family that supports me with their help and understanding.

At the end of the day, I guess being tired of motherhood once in a while not entirely wrong. People has their limits doesn't matter what they are doing. Motherhood takes 100% of your energy and it's a 24/7 job without holiday or leave.

Guilty or not guilty, I know I love my kids very much above anything in this world and I would do anything possible for them.