Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Worn Out

Do you get any idea of my condition atm? Guess you can figure it out from the title eh? I have been doing lots of thing for the last 2 weeks that I am feeling very tired. I can feel my whole parts of my body shouting, "Stop! I am tired!" *grins* But too bad I cannot stop. Working and uni works are waiting.

Last sunday is the presentation day at ECU Live! in Joondalup campus. Our group's presentation didn't win but at least it's not that bad either. Been working on that presentation most of the time last week. Now I gotta start doing the other assignments. Getting to the end of the semester everything can be hectic. Lots of assignments are due to be submitted. I can't wait to be free, out from this uni environment *giggles*

I started working today. Basically started Monday, but that was test trial so it doesn't count. Pretty nice job, not too hard, environment is good, not far from my place, easy to get there, and nice people to work with. I am happy with the job. Hopefully they will hire me, since I am on 2 weeks trial now.

Mr. Zed is getting his toes operated tomorrow. Just going to wish him luck for it. If you read this, "Good Luck!". Hopefully it won't go bad, but it does sounds scary when you told me about it though. Don't you ever ever do it again by yourself! I am not scared of how it will looks like when you do it, but I am more scare of what will happen if you do, what if you do it wrong. Ewwww.........

Now I'm off to get some rest ....

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